Few things are as frustrating as walking back to your car after a long day of work and finding out that your keys are not working or you have lost them. This usually means calling for help and having someone bring your spare keys to you - or in an even more disastrous scenario, having to call a tow truck and a ride home.
Having issues with your car keys is always a frustrating situation so you’ll want to make sure to hire somebody that can get the job done as quickly as possible. Usually you would have to contact the dealership or search for a local locksmith, but your choice can greatly affect the time, the cost and convenience of service you will get when looking for a car key replacement.
Today, we are going to talk about the main reasons why locksmiths are a definite better choice than dealerships for car key replacements and repairs.
Price and affordability
It is safe to say the word “always” when it comes to locksmiths being more affordable than dealerships. Locksmiths are never going to charge more than a dealership to make a new set of keys for your vehicle. Dealerships charge an arm and a leg due to how much money they spend in maintaining their establishments and those expenses are passed on to you with higher prices. Another reason the dealership will charge you a lot more than locksmiths is A. they simply can because they know that they are a large establishment and no one can argue with them about pricing B. they want you to be under the assumption that their service if superior than a locksmith company.
Locksmiths are more convenient for car key replacement
When you lose your car keys it’s already a frustrating situation to deal with, the last thing you need or want is a long agonizing day. When going to a dealership to get a new key made you should prepare to be there a whole day or even keep your vehicle there over night depending on the waiting list of customers. You will endure the tedious paperwork and protocols that are usually obligatory with this kind of service. Not only is this annoying, but it will also force you to spend too much time solving this particular problem. On the other hand if you choose a locksmith to provide you this service, you should expect a more of a ‘in and out’ type of service. Locksmiths actually drive out to wherever your vehicle is located. They will arrive in no time and once they get there depending on the vehicle and the procedure required in creating a key, they will get you back on your merry way in a significantly shorter amount of time than any dealership would.

Locksmiths have all the required equipment
Some people have the misconception that locksmiths are not properly equipped with up to date tools and machines or don’t have the knowledge to replace your car keys. This is a very false misconception because nowadays most locksmiths are fully capable and prepared for any kind of key replacement or repair that their client may need.
Locksmiths have the required keys and programming computers for any type of car key you’ll need. Car keys are no longer just pieces of metal, most of them have small computer chips and other special transponder features. People who have these types of keys are likely to think that they would need to visit a dealership to get them fixed or replaced, but that is not the case at all. Most locksmiths invest in advanced equipment and tools to handle all car keys and automotive systems.
Locksmiths can help you 24/7
If you find yourself in this frustrating predicament at after ‘normal’ business hours you will need to wait until the next morning to be able to get this done at a dealership. Many locksmith services offer a 24-hour emergency service but even the ones who don’t they still work at a more wide range of business hours than the dealerships. This means you won’t have to worry about spending an entire night and morning waiting for assistance.
Final thoughts
At the end of the day, it is you that decides where to go when you need to solve your car key problems. Therefore I think we could all agree that we want to be able to solve these type of things in the most efficient, fast, affordable and convenient way possible. So don’t hesitate to call your local trustworthy locksmith next time you need a car key replacement. If your located in Delray Beach or Palm Beach County you can call Locksmithland to get the job done for you.